
Privacy Policy



プライバシーポリシー 本プライバシーポリシーは、当社が収集し、利用する全ての個人情報をその対象として、当社の個人情報に関する基本的指針を定めるものです。




当社は、必要な範囲で個人情報を収集することがあります。収集する個人情報の範囲は、利用目的を達成するために必要な限度を超えないものとします。 また、収集するにあたっては、適正かつ公正な手段により行い、法令により例外として扱うことが認められている場合を除き、利用目的を予め公表するか、または取得後速やかにご本人に通知もしくは公表いたします。 なお、ご本人から書面(インターネット上のWEBサイトの画面等を含みます。)により直接個人情報を収集する場合には、法令により例外として扱うことが認められている場合を除き、その都度予め利用目的を明示いたします。 当社の個人情報の利用目的につきましては、「個人情報の保護に関する法律」に基づく公表事項(以下「公表事項」といいます)をご覧下さい。








電話番号:02-632-9179 (受付時間:平日9:00~17:00/タイ時間)


当サイトは「Google Adsense (グーグルアドセンス)」を利用して広告の掲載をしています。広告配信事業者は、ユーザーに最適化された広告を表示するためにCookie(クッキー)を使用することがあります。また、アクセス解析を行うためにGoogle アナリティクスを使用しています。Google アナリティクスはアクセス解析のためにCookieを使用します。Google アナリティクスでデータが収集、処理される仕組みについては、「ユーザーが Google パートナーのサイトやアプリを使用する際の Google によるデータ使用(https://www.google.com/intl/ja/policies/privacy/partners/)」のWebサイトを参照してください。

Privacy Policy

Bangkok Shuho Group established the following privacy policies regarding the handling of personal information, and declares that it will comply with them and handle all personal information, including customers’ personal information, in a secure and appropriate manner.

This Privacy Policy sets forth the Company’s basic guidelines regarding personal information, covering all personal information collected and used by the Company.

1.Compliance with Laws and Regulations

In handling personal information, we will comply with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” and other laws and guidelines concerning the protection of personal information, as well as this Privacy Policy.

2.Collection of Personal Information

We may collect personal information to the extent necessary. The scope of personal information collected shall not exceed the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use. The Company will collect personal information in an appropriate and fair manner, and will publicly announce the purpose of use in advance, or notify or publicly announce the purpose of use to the individual promptly after collection, except in cases where exceptions are permitted by law. In cases where personal information is collected directly from the person in writing (including the screen of a website on the Internet, etc.) In addition, when we collect personal information directly from the person in writing (including the screen of a website on the Internet), we will clearly state the purpose of use in advance in each case, except for cases in which such collection is permitted by law. For the purposes of use of personal information, please refer to our public announcements based on the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” (hereinafter referred to as “Public Announcements”).

  1. Management and Protection of Personal Information

When handling personal information, we will appoint a person responsible for its management to ensure appropriate control and to prevent its leakage to outside parties. In addition, we will take appropriate and reasonable security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, and other risks.

The Company will limit the number of persons who have access to databases and other information pertaining to personal information, and will strictly manage such information within the Company to prevent its unauthorized use.

We may outsource the handling of personal information. In such cases, we will select a group company or a contractor that is deemed to handle personal information properly (hereinafter referred to as “contractor”), and in the contract, etc., we will stipulate necessary matters to prevent leakage of personal information, such as management of personal information, maintenance of confidentiality, prohibition of reoffering, etc., and ensure that appropriate management is implemented. (3) Purpose of use of personal information

When the purpose of use of personal information is achieved, we will dispose of or delete the personal information without delay.

  1. Use of Personal Information

We will use the personal information we collect only for the purpose stated in advance or publicly announced at the time of collection, except for cases in which we have obtained the consent of the person concerned or are permitted by law to handle the information in an exceptional manner.

  1. Provision of Personal Information

We will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties other than subcontractors without the consent of the individual. However, we may disclose or provide personal information without your consent when required by law or requested to do so by a court of law, the police, or other public agency.

6.Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information

When we are requested by the person or his/her representative to disclose, correct, etc. (meaning correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, elimination, or suspension of provision to a third party) any personal information, we will comply with the provisions of laws and regulations. (meaning correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, elimination, or suspension of provision to a third party), we will respond to such requests in accordance with the provisions of the law. Please direct inquiries to the following address.

Contact: Bangkok Shuho Group Personal Information Management Team

Phone number: 02-632-9179 (Office hours: 9:00 – 17:00 weekdays / Thai time)

Contact person: Hidetoshi Usui

  1. About Google Adsense and Google Analytics

This website uses Google Adsense to display advertisements. The ad-serving provider may use cookies to display ads optimized for users. We also use Google Analytics to analyze access to our website; for more information on how data is collected and processed by Google Analytics, please refer to the section “How Google Analytics collects and processes data” in the section “How users use our partners’ sites and apps”. For more information on how data is collected and processed by Google Analytics, please refer to the “Use of data by Google when you use Google Partner sites and applications (https://www.google.com/intl/ja/policies/privacy/partners/)”